Sunday, June 8, 2008


We got the idea of keeping a family journal from another family in the ward. So almost every week during family home evening, we ask the kids what they want us to write (except Jason and Christian--we answer for them). Here are the entries since March 9, 2008.

March 9

Christian: Fell out of the high chair and got a big bump on his forehead. He's geting mobile and pushing himself backward on the floor.

Jason: Starting to get sick. Pulling himself up on his crib rail. He likes to play a game where when you leave him in his crib, he will pull himself by the railing (because he knows he is not supposed to do that) and he laughs.

Olivia: She got sick. Played with Chase (her boyfriend). Chase pushed her. Olivia thinks her name is not "Olivia Joyce" but is "Sister Princess." Olivia came into our room with her shirt pulled up nursing a doll and a stuffed puppy dog. Olivia stole some of Mom's oreo cookies. Olivia left Mom in the mall back later came walking back after Mom searched the entire store.

Josh: Josh also got really sick. He was up a lot the last 2 nights crying and moaning. He had a fever of 104 degrees and had a headache and stomach ache. Daddy gave Josh a blessing.

Brian: Was one of the first people to get chocolate skittles from 7-11. They were okay. We forgot to give Brian his medicine for a couple of days, and we got a note from school saying he'd been hitting kids. He bought Madden 08 with his own money ($50) and won a game 111-0. Brian went to Henry's house for a play date and became friends again.


Dad: Worked too much again. With work all the time and with sick kids, Dad gets very tired. On Saturday he rounded up a few guys (Rob Majors, Dave Nielsen, Matt Olson, Joel Ross and Javier Salazar) and moved the swing set to the driveway. It has been pouring rain. Once the pond in back dries up, the next task will be to set up the swing set. Finished 2 audits on Sunday--1 more to go. Having a great time teaching Sunday School--that is where we got the idea to do this weekly journal (courtesy of the Smalleys). Finally, Dad got broad-sided by a deer on Saturday while driving home from dropping off the moving van in Scotch Plains (moving van was for moving the swing set). One deer ran across the road on Maple, and I slammed on my brakes to avoid hitting it. Having stopped short of lead deer, a second deer smashed head first into my driver's side door. What a surprise. It probably would have missed me had the road not been so slick. Put a big dent in the door. Deer was okay--it took a minute to shake if off, but then ran away.

March 16

Christian: Christian was very sick this week. He had a high fever and was throwing up. Yesterday he spent much of the day on my lap sleeping. He is feeling a bit better today (well enough to flirt with the sister missionaries at dinner). Christian is saying "da-da" (Tricia thinks he is saying diaper, I think he is saying daddy). Christian pushes himself backward on the hardwood floor.

Jason: Jason can move from being on his tummy to sitting up. He can also pull himself up on things to his knees. He does this in his crib after leave the room. When we come back in and catch him pulled upon hanging on the rail he has a good laugh. They like to tackle each other, and they steal toys and pacifiers away from each other. As I'm writing this, Christian just took Jason's pacifier and now has it in his mouth.


Josh: Watched tv all day. [Editor's Note: I'm not sure why Josh had me write that. He hasn't been watching tv much at all today.] Josh and Brian and some friends (Brent, garrett, MItchell, Madison) set up the swing set in the driveway so the slide and rock climbing wall were usable. [Josh actually typed all the lower-case names in this entry.] They made into a hut. josh went on an Easter egg hunt with some church friends (Gavin). He got candy and eggs. Daddy and Josh sent to 7-11 and dry cleaning yesterday. We picked up candy for the others. Josh remembers that last year brian, Josh and Daddy rode their bikes to 7-11 (Olivia was on the back of daddy's bike). It was the longest ride the kids had done. Josh just read the entire book "David Gets In Trouble" by himself. When he finished, we looked up and saw that Christian had pushed himself all the way over to the high chairs and was eating baby treats off the floor. So I put up the baby cage in the front room.


David: Brian and I went to see the Jazz play the Nets last night. It was a good game. Jazz ended up losing by 2 points.

Lesson today was on chapters 31-33 of 2 Nephi. Taught that enduring the end was a positive thing--and that it was the Holy Ghost that is given to us so we can know all things we need to do to endure to the end. Not a whole lot happened this week. I worked too much again. I think the earliest I was going to bed was 2 am. Feeling more rested today, however. But it is already 11 pm and I think I will turn in early tonight.

March 30

Christian: Starting crawling this week. He was sick again. He had major diaper rash. He cried a lot because of that.

Jason: Also started crawling. He also was sick. He didn't have major diaper rash.

Olivia: Olivia said she was sick every day. But she says that a lot. Mostly when she doesn't want to do things. She has her diva moments--and folds her arms and demands to get her way. Yesterday she did that when we told her that she couldn't make pancakes. Tricia ended up giving her some flour and water to mix up. Olivia also went potty in the toilet--once. I guess it is a start.

Josh: Josh went all night with underpants instead of pullups, and he managed to make it through without peeing his bed. So now he gets to go without pullups.

Brian: Brian's thought on President Hinckley--he was very nice. Be humble. Be grateful. Be smart. Be clean. Be true. Be prayerful. Brian started baseball again. We went and bought him a mitt and cleats yesterday for his first practice. He is on a team with Joe Nydegger, Phillip and Henry Clyde and Mitchell McGurin. Brian had strep throat earlier in the week and missed a school field trip.

David: A week ago Friday we went to dinner with Wade and Heidi Angus. Spent $450. Most expensive dinner I've ever actually paid for. Went to Mr Chow. Didn't work quite as much, which is good. We'll see what this week brings. Will not need to prepare a Sunday School lesson, since it is conference next week. Not too much new going on. We fly out to Denver in 2 weeks to check things out.

April 6, 2008

Christian and Jason: Christian and Jason continued to hone their crawling skills. There is always one thing you can count on with Jason and Christian--they will always give you a smile. It is fun to see their different personalities forming. Jason loves to get scared (like Josh and Olivia), while Christian will cry (like Brian). Christian gets that same trembly lip that Brian used to have.

Olivia: Olivia finally gave up her binky this week. The last one she had got all moldy. Instead of getting a new one, she got a new play shopping cart. She has cried a bit the first few binky-free nights, but she is doing better now. The mold on the binky was probably getting her sick. She is still not potty-trained. Sometimes she can be a very stinky little girl--like 20 minutes ago. Olivia didn't play with Chase this week because he was out of town. Olivia's best friends are Maddie Nielsen and Chase McGurrin. Babies are not her best friends right now because one of them scratched her. She also loves Mom and Dad. She apparently doesn't love "Joshi" right now either. And she always has troubles with Brian. She is always saying "sorry, Mommy" when things don't go right.

Josh: Went all week without wearing pullups to bed and didn't have any accidents. Josh is a math genius--he adds up a string of 5 numbers in his head. Josh played with Spencer this week. Brian sold all of Spencer's webkinz stuff. Josh played cars today. Josh and Olivia play all the time together. They are wrestling on the couch right now. Dad, Brian, Josh and Olivia watched "Daddy Day Camp" movie this afternoon between conference sessions.


Daddy: Had to put in a lot of time on a very boring project at work--a debt/equity opinion. I'm supposed to be off of work this next week, but I'll probably still have to put in some time each day. Such is the life of a senior associate in a small group. I miss the Cravath days where I could actually take vacation without worrying about work. Both Tricia and I got really sick last night. Some sort of stomach flu. We are only now feeling a little bit better. It has been a good conference. We had the solemn assembly yesterday to sustain President Monson. He has given some great talks this weekend. Eyring gave a great talk last night at Priesthood session on the oath and covenant.

Stake Conference, April 27, 2008: I need to take notes at Stake Conference because Tricia had to stay home with the babies. The conference this time is at the Rahway Arts Center. Which is difficult to get to, to park and to have small children who like to crawl. Later today I will need to update this with the events of the last couple of weeks--including our trip to Denver and my trip to Florida.

A little boy spoke. I couldn't hear much of what he said. The acoustics are bad in here. I think he talked about following the example of Jesus. He apparently said some funny things--because the people closer to the pulpit laughed a few times.

A Spanish missionary bore his testimony.

Sister Parkinson: DC 100:4-5. Gave examples of how these verses have worked with the missionaries. These verses apply to each of us. Our children are like investigators. Our neighbors are like investigators. The reason people don't do missionary work because we feel like we don't know what to say or will not be able answer their questions. But we need to have faith that God will help us. Even if we are busy we are not exempt. Told story of lady with 4 young children and pregnant with fifth. Lord answered that a way would be prepared for her to meet the missionary challenge in her everday life. She prayed morning and night. She helped with inactives that had children that were the same age as her children. No one is exempt. Did one thing a day within her normal activities.

President Parkinson: DC 76:5-10. Mysteries of the kingdom, wonders of the kingdom. Didn't hear a lot of this one. But the idea was that this life is not the end of the journey.

They fixed the microphone--so I can hear a lot more now.

David Koster: DC 109:8

President Busath: Isa 55

President Bassett: We are all part of God's family. He invites all to come unto Him and partake of His goodness. 2 Ne 25. Take His Spirit the rest of this week--the Spirit of Christ--that will help us to reach out to others. Leave our troubles behind and come unto Him.

President Carmack: How to put on the yoke of Christ. By small things great things are brought to pass. Alma 37. Over life, just by walking around, we walk 50,000 miles--twice around the globe. Smile at each other. Be friendly. Do we complain? Can we go a whole month without complaining. Do we pray often? Do we think about others? Do we appreciate God's creations? Do we think about the Savior and what he did for us? Do we go to the temple. Hel 5:12.

May 17, 2008

Christian and Jason: Drank from a straw for the first time. They like to flip the straw and get milk all over them. Christian goes up the stairs. Jason can but won't because he fell down the stairs and is now scared. Christian can stand for a minute without holding onto things. They each have one bottom right tooth. They like to play together. Christian likes playing with the broom. Jason likes playing with drawers (he got his fingers pinched in one).

Olivia: Olivia went potty in the little toilet this week, though she is far from potty-trained. Olivia got her haircut this week--she was very serious about it. Mom and Olivia were talking about why we lock the front door (in case a bad guy comes in). Olivia said we would just wrestle the bad guy. Mom said what if the bad guy is bigger than we are. Olivia said we could just drink milk and get bigger. "And that is the plan." Olivia wore a tie to church so she could look like Dad. Daddy went to Olivia's school this week for breakfast. Olivia sang songs.

Joshua: Josh went to a kindergarten prep meeting for next year. Teacher thought he was very cute. Joshua loves numbers and math. Joshua also got his haircut. Joshua got his Wii game (Star Wars) because he doesn't wear pullups anymore.

Brian: Brian was very good for the first few days of the week. But he lost it on the way home from his annual singing concert. We went and practiced hitting in the park yesterday--he got a new bat, helmet and bat bag. He hasn't been able to use it yet--because it rained all week.

Tricia: We went to the temple yesterday to attend with Tara (it was Tara's first time. Tricia finally said I could start working at the temple again, and then I received my release in the mail an hour later.

May 25, 2008

Christian and Jason: Their favorite song is "If You Are Happy and You Know It Clap Your Hands." Whatever they're doing, they stop and clap their hands.

Olivia: Olivia went on a bike ride today to the Coltons. She sat on the back with Dad peddling--so she didn't get much exercise. While the boys went on their camp, Olivia went with Mom to the mall and out to dinner. Olivia went potty in the toilet, but she is still not very consistent. She has started twirling around saying "ballet." She wants to do ballet. But she first needs to be potty-trained. Now every time she does use the toilet, she says: "Can I do ballet now."

Joshua: Brian, Joshua and Dad went on the annual fathers/sons camp. It was at Watchung. We cooked and ate hotdogs for dinner. The night was cold. Joshua was "freezing." So Dad didn't get to use his cot and instead had to share his blankets with Josh. For breakfast we had pancakes. Josh played with Spencer and Gavin. And he ran in races. We went on a bike ride today to home teach the Coltons. Joshua rode down a very steep hill and didn't crash.

Brian: Brian won the championship in Backyard Football on the computer. Brian really likes baseball. He plays games a few times a week and likes to practice at other times. We went hiking yesterday at the camp. We saw a lake and a waterfall.

Tomorrow is Memorial Day. So we are going to write down one our favorite memories of our grandma/grandpas.

Olivia: She is going to draw a picture.

Josh: He gets to see the kitties. Grandma makes us cinammon bread.

Brian: Grandma gives good birthday and Christmas presents. Grandma gave Brian $10 to watch the kitties. They have beds for us to sleep on. Grandma makes us cinnamon bread.

Dad: I remember Grandpa Johansen on the farm on the tractor. I would turn over the hay bails so he could pick them up. I remember helping Grandpa Ware build the shed and put my hands in the cement. I remember Grandma Johansen at sleepovers--she would make really good belgian waffles. And Grandma Ware made me the BYU teddy bear and would give me "treatments." My kids don't like treatments.

Where did my food go?

Dinner time.

Olivia trying out her new makeup.

Pinewood derby cars. We didn't win.

Here is Christian in the pen.

Close up of Jason.

Baby playing the piano--I think this is Christian. He loves to play the piano.

Brian taking his new baseball gear to bed with him.

Poor Olivia--she got a bug bite right next to her eye. She is all better now.

Olivia singing on her last day of school.

Here are Christian (left) and Jason (right) watching Olivia sing on her last day of school.

Josh's pre-school concert

Here is Josh's last day of pre-school. They put on a singing concert each year.

Monday, January 7, 2008

Saturday, January 5, 2008


Olivia thinks I'm taking a picture of her and keeps saying "Cheese".

Meet the Ware Twins

Jason's and Christian's first Christmas.